Oathall Leavers 2020

Oathall Leavers 2020

Goodbye Message

The past five years have been the best years of our lives. From when we were all just 11 years old, to now when we are 16 (or 15), we've always been supporting and looking after one another. Every year has had its ups and downs, and we've all made mistakes, but those are the things that make us, us.

After Friday 20 March 2020, it's very likely that some of us will never see each other again, as we each move to different colleges, universities, towns, and even countries. I know that most people won't end up staying in contact, but never be afraid to get back in touch even after days, weeks, months, or maybe years.

On Friday, most of us were able to sit through the Graduation Assembly but some never did, due to self-isolation from COVID-19, so you can find a full copy of everything from the assembly below. I'm sure we won't ever forget that we're the COVID Kids/Corona Kids/Class of Corona but everyone else will.

This website should, theoretically, remain up forever but don't rely on it! Get people's contact details: phone numbers, emails.

Good luck in the future,
The Leavers Team

David Wheatley, Benjamin McDowell, Felix Carter, Kitty Underhill, Jess Ruddock, and Lottie Neighbour

Leavers Assembly Presentation

If the embedded presentation below doesn't work correctly, you can download the presentation in PDF or PowerPoint (PPTX) format.

Mr Fitzpatrick's Goodbye

2015 Induction Day

Thomas's Speech

So, here we are, at the probably the most abrupt potential end of the year. Nobody knows what's going to happen or what we're going to do. But try not to panic, whilst we don't know what we've yet to face, you've got everyone behind you.

I wanted to talk to you to take a moment to reflect, but most importantly celebrate and highlight all we've done. Everyone here has made it, although it's a bit cut short, we've made it. Most of us joined here in year 7, a bit clueless and quite nervous, and if anybody asked you to predict where you'd be in 5 years, I'm certain that nobody could have predicted every memory and incident that has occurred throughout our journeys. Cherish these, for these are all what have made you into the people you are today. Everything, good and bad, has either impacted you more than you may think, either taught you a lesson or made a friend that's going to last you the rest of your life.

I'm sure all of you have a particular memory or experience that you'd like to forget. I'd quite happily like to forget that (all of Year 7). But appreciate it also. In 30 years, when I look back at that, I'll find it just as amusing as everyone else does. The embarrassing stuff that happened to you now isn't going to haunt you forever.

Looking forward, I don't have any answers for you right now, but that doesn't mean it's going to stay that way. This uncertainty won't last forever. If it's really got to you and you're having a pretty atrocious time, remember that it doesn't last forever either. Try to keep in touch with people during this time. We could all use a little extra kindness and support.

Next, I would like to say a massive thank you to all of our tutors and teachers during this 5 years. To the tutors, who all saw us come in from year 7, and develop into the people we are now. Thank you for your unrequited support every day. And to all the teachers, who pushed us, and in whose classes a lot of memories that will stay with us for a very long time were made. I'd like to personally thank you for the drive you instilled me with, which will stick with me for a very long time to come.

We have been asked to become adults when frankly all we want to do is enjoy the last of our childhood. We have been asked to put our complete education on hold. This isn't fair, and it won't be forgotten. However, we are capable of doing this, and we will get through this. This will not get the better of us, I can assure you that.

Finally, I'd like to say thank you to you, the students. You are the people I've grown up with, and the people around you are the people you grew up with. If I don't see you again, thank you for everything. I won't forget you. We have all started in the school, regardless of when it was in Year 7 or Year 9 or Year 10, we'll all leave together. It's been a pleasure, and I wish all of you the best.

Thomas Mukasa

Teachers' Video

Photos Video

Teacher Bloopers


All of these videos were handcrafted by a group of skilled students. A massive thank you goes out to: Benjamin McDowell, David Wheatley, Felix Carter, Kitty Underhill, Lottie Neighbour, and Jess Ruddock.

Contact Us

If you'd like to get in touch with the Leavers Team, for whatever reason, contact us at oathallleavers2020@gmail.com.